Directed and book by Yoko Yamanaka, who became the youngest director to be invited to the Berlin International Film Festival with Amiko, and starring Yuumi Kawai, an icon of the new generation.
Winner of the FIPRESCI Prize at the 77th Cannes International Film Festival! Directed by Yoko Yamanaka and starring Yuumi Kawai, a dream collaboration of young talents!
I hate me, and love me.
She’s mean, a liar and violent. But everyone gets crazy about her!
Writer, Director: Yoko Yamanaka
Yumi Kawai, Daichi Kaneko, Kanichiro, Yuzumi Shintani, Ayumu Nakajima, Erika Karata, Ayaka Shibutani, Asami Shibuya, Moe Kurata, Kuu Ijima, Keisuke Horibe, Makiko Watanabe
2024 / Japan / 137minutes