- 公演日程 Performance Dates
- 2023/1/8(日)~1/9(月・祝)
January 8th(Sun.) - January 9th(Mon.) 2023 - 会場 Venue
- KAAT 神奈川芸術劇場(ホール)
KAAT Kanagawa Arts Theatre (Main Hall)
K-BALLET Opto 第2弾は、「プラスチック供養」をテーマに2作品を上演。世界的な取り組みが必要とされるプラスチック汚染問題を善悪二元論に終始しない日本的な供養という姿勢で再解釈した作品群。捨てられる定めであった東京中の廃ビニール傘、ペットボトル(その数約15,000本)が再活用され、大胆に舞台に彩られることで供養された。特に『ビニール傘小町』においては、日本の伝統芸能である能の名曲「卒塔婆小町」の老いさらばえた小野小町と大量消費され打ち捨てられるビニール傘の生涯を重ね合わせ日本オリジナルの世界観を探究。世界的現代美術家である森村泰昌氏の「アート・シマツ」プロジェクトとのコラボレーションも相俟って新たなドラマチックバレエの姿を提案した。
What is “Plastic”?
The two pieces in the second production by K-BALLET Opto are based on the theme of honoring and holding a memorial service for plastic (Kuyo in Japanese). Plastic waste is an issue that must be addressed globally, and this production aims to do just that through the Japanese ceremonial practice of “Kuyo” as its basis. Many plastic umbrellas and bottles that were bound to go in the bin were collected from Tokyo and upcycled to elegantly grace the stage as stage set. Specifically regarding “Vinyl Umbrella Komachi”, the famous Noh song “Sotoba Komachi” was used as the plot. By overlapping the aged main character Komachi, who is abandoned from society due to her loss of beauty, with the plastic umbrellas that are thrown in the gutter was an effort to investigate a setting unique to Japan. The piece collaborated with the world reknowned visual artist Yasumasa Morimura, in his new project called “Art Shimatsu (disposal)” in which he passes on his materials from his exhibition for further use. With a multitude of layers, this new dance piece was born.
- 演目 Program
ペットボトル迷宮 世界初演
音楽:J.S. バッハ、G. リゲティ、他
ゲストダンサー:ジュリアン・マッケイPlastic Bottle Labyrinth World Premiere
Choreography: Alessio Silvestrin
Music: Johann Sebastian Bach, György Ligeti, etc.
Guest Dancer: Julian MacKay -
ビニール傘小町 世界初演
音楽: I. クセナキス、 L.v. ベートーヴェン、他
ゲストダンサー:白石あゆ美Vinyl Umbrella Komachi World Premiere
Choreography: Rei Watanabe
Music: Iannis Xenakis, L. v. Beethoven etc.
Guest Dancer: Ayumi Shiraishi
- 主催 Organizer
- Bunkamura / K-BALLET
- 特別協賛 Generously Supported by
- PwC Japanグループ PwC Japan Group
- 提携 In partnership with
- KAAT 神奈川芸術劇場 KAAT Kanagawa Arts Theatre