K-BALLET Opto(Kバレエ オプト)





公演日程 Performance Dates
January 8th(Sun.) - January 9th(Mon.) 2023
会場 Venue
KAAT 神奈川芸術劇場(ホール)
KAAT Kanagawa Arts Theatre (Main Hall)

©Hajime Watanabe


K-BALLET Opto 第2弾は、「プラスチック供養」をテーマに2作品を上演。世界的な取り組みが必要とされるプラスチック汚染問題を善悪二元論に終始しない日本的な供養という姿勢で再解釈した作品群。捨てられる定めであった東京中の廃ビニール傘、ペットボトル(その数約15,000本)が再活用され、大胆に舞台に彩られることで供養された。特に『ビニール傘小町』においては、日本の伝統芸能である能の名曲「卒塔婆小町」の老いさらばえた小野小町と大量消費され打ち捨てられるビニール傘の生涯を重ね合わせ日本オリジナルの世界観を探究。世界的現代美術家である森村泰昌氏の「アート・シマツ」プロジェクトとのコラボレーションも相俟って新たなドラマチックバレエの姿を提案した。

What is “Plastic”?

The two pieces in the second production by K-BALLET Opto are based on the theme of honoring and holding a memorial service for plastic (Kuyo in Japanese). Plastic waste is an issue that must be addressed globally, and this production aims to do just that through the Japanese ceremonial practice of “Kuyo” as its basis. Many plastic umbrellas and bottles that were bound to go in the bin were collected from Tokyo and upcycled to elegantly grace the stage as stage set. Specifically regarding “Vinyl Umbrella Komachi”, the famous Noh song “Sotoba Komachi” was used as the plot. By overlapping the aged main character Komachi, who is abandoned from society due to her loss of beauty, with the plastic umbrellas that are thrown in the gutter was an effort to investigate a setting unique to Japan. The piece collaborated with the world reknowned visual artist Yasumasa Morimura, in his new project called “Art Shimatsu (disposal)” in which he passes on his materials from his exhibition for further use. With a multitude of layers, this new dance piece was born.

演目 Program
  • ペットボトル迷宮 世界初演

    音楽:J.S. バッハ、G. リゲティ、他

    Plastic Bottle Labyrinth World Premiere

    Choreography: Alessio Silvestrin
    Music: Johann Sebastian Bach, György Ligeti, etc.
    Guest Dancer: Julian MacKay

  • ビニール傘小町 世界初演

    音楽: I. クセナキス、 L.v. ベートーヴェン、他

    Vinyl Umbrella Komachi World Premiere

    Choreography: Rei Watanabe
    Music: Iannis Xenakis, L. v. Beethoven etc.
    Guest Dancer: Ayumi Shiraishi

主催 Organizer
Bunkamura / K-BALLET
特別協賛 Generously Supported by
PwC Japanグループ PwC Japan Group
提携 In partnership with
KAAT 神奈川芸術劇場 KAAT Kanagawa Arts Theatre

舞台写真:©Hajime Watanabe

プラスチック ダイジェスト




Petit Collection - Petit Petit Petit!

公演日程 Performance Dates
September 30th(Fri.) - October 1st(Sat.) 2022
会場 Venue
KAAT 神奈川芸術劇場(ホール)
KAAT Kanagawa Arts Theatre (Main Hall)

©Hidemi Seto


K-BALLET Opto旗揚げ公演となる3部作。3名の振付家による作品はいずれも「プティ」という形容詞が付されている。プティは、フランス語で「小さい/あどけなさ」を意味するが、かつて日本では竹取物語で米粒ほどの姫を「いとうつくし」と形容したように、小さいもの/あどけないものには「かわいい」ではなく、畏敬の念から「うつくし(美しい)」と表現してきた。Petit Collection(プティ・コレクション)は、単純にPetit=かわいいではなく、日本的な美意識であるかわいさが秘めもつ「美しさと強さ」をテーマにした作品群。

What is “Petit Collection”?

A triple bill that serves as the pilot production of K-BALLET Opto. The works by three choreographers all have the adjective “petit(e)” in its title. In French, the word signifies “small” or “innocence” but in Japan there are tales such as “Taketori Monogatari”, which uses an expression called “Itoutsukushi” used to express the beauty of a princess, who was as small as a grain of rice. The word “Ito” meaning thread and “Utsukushii” meaning beautiful, the expression demonstrates the honor and awe of the interpreter viewing something small as beautiful instead of cute(kawaii) to not belittle the princess. This time with “Petit Collection”, instead of the word “petit” only meaning cute, we present an underlying aesthetic beauty in Japanese culture that is based on beauty and strength.

演目 Program
  • プティ・セレモニー “小さな儀式” アジア初演

    音楽:V.ベッリーニ、 W.A.モーツァルト、 B.グッドマン、A.ヴィヴァルディ

    Petite Ceremonie Asia Premiere

    Choreography: Medhi Walerski
    Rehearsal Director: Sylvain Senez
    Music: V.Bellini, W.A.Mozart, B.Goodman, A. Vivaldi

  • プティ・バロッコ “小さな真珠(ゆがんだ真珠)” 世界初演

    音楽:X.バウマサ、C.マンセル、H.F.ツィマー、C.エイヴィンソン F.ジェミニアーニ

    Petit Barroco World Premiere

    Choreography: Rei Watanabe
    Music:X.Baumaxa, Clint Mansell, H.F.Zimmer, Charles Avison, F.Geminiani

  • プティ・メゾン “小さな家” 世界初演

    振付:森 優貴

    Petite Maison World Premiere

    Choreography: Yuki Mori
    Music: D.Shostakovich, S.Rachmaninoff

主催 Organizer
Bunkamura / K-BALLET
特別協賛 Generously Supported by
PwC Japanグループ PwC Japan Group
協賛 Supported by
株式会社ワコール Wacoal Holdings Corp.

舞台写真:©Hidemi Seto

プティ・コレクション ダイジェスト




モンテカルロ市グレース王妃ダンス・クラシック・アカデミー、ローザンヌ・ルードラ・ベジャールを卒業後、ベジャール・ バレエ・ローザンヌ、リヨン・オペラ座バレエ団にてダンサーおよび振付家として活動。1999年よりウィリアム・フォーサイス率いるフランクフルト・バレエ団に所属し、退団後もゲスト・アーティストとして出演。2003年より日本を拠点に、国内外の創作活動に携わる。19年にはパリ・ オペラ座350周年祝賀イベントのオープニング作品として杉本博司演出で『鷹の井戸』を振付。

Alessio Silvestrin

After graduating on scholarship from Princess Grace Dance Academy and Rudra Béjart School Lausanne, Alessio worked as a dancer and choreographer with Béjart Ballet Lausanne and Lyon Opera Ballet. In 1999 he joined Frankfurt Ballet led by William Forsythe and continued to work as a guest artist after he left the company. In 2003 he moved to Japan and began working as a freelance artist. In 2019 he choreographed for the 350th anniversary gala performance of the Paris Opera Ballet “At the Hawk’s Well” directed by Hiroshi Sugimoto.



Photo: Joris-Jan Bos


群馬県生まれ。1993年オランダのネザーランド・ダンス・シアター(NDT)2に入団。その後、リヨン・オペラ・バレエ、ヨーテボリ・オペラ・バレエ団、ネザーランド・ダンス・シアター1、クルベルグ・バレエ団で活躍。2006年よりフリーランスのダンサーとして活躍、12年に拠点を日本に移しOptoを 結 成。そ の 後、16年、17年とK-BALLET COMPANYに振付家として作品を提供・出演した後、19年9月にK-BALLET COMPANY舞踊監督に就任し、22年9月にK-BALLET Opto舞踊監督を兼任する。舞踊監督を退任後、群馬を拠点にフリーの振付家として活動している。

Rei Watanabe

Born in Gunma, Japan. Rei joined Netherlands Dance Theater (NDT) 2 in 1993. Since then she has worked with Lyon Opera Ballet, Gothenburg Opera Dance Company, NDT 1, and Cullberg Ballet. From 2006, she began working as a freelance artist. In 2012 she moved to Japan to begin a new collaborative project called “Opto”. In 2016 and 2017, she choreographed and performed in works for K-BALLET COMPANY and in September 2019, she was appointed Dance Director with K-BALLET COMPANY, followed by her appointment as Dance Director of K-BALLET Opto in 2022. After resigning Rei now works as a freelance choreographer based in Gunma, Japan.



Photo: Rahi Rezvani



Medhi Walerski

Born in France. After training at the National Conservatoire of Paris, he worked at Paris Opera Ballet and Ballet National de Rhin. In 2001 he joined Netherlands Dance Theater(NDT) 2 and was promoted to NDT 1 in 2003. Medhi began choreographing while at NDT and later choreographed for Bern Ballet, Gothenburg Opera Dance Company, Ballet BC to name a few. Since July 2020 he has been working as Artistic Director of Ballet BC.





Yuki Mori

After starting his training at Sadamatsu Hamada Ballet Company, he moved to Germany to study at The Hamburg Ballet School. Later he worked with Nurnberg Ballet and Thoss Dance Company led by Stephan Thoss.In September 2012 he was appointed artistic director of the dance company at Theater Regensburg. As the first Japanese artistic director he continued to present new works. In 2019 he resigned his position as artistic director and moved back to Japan. Since then, he has been presenting new works and working across genres, while regularly teaching at the Takarazuka Theater.
